No this isn't some arty-farty painting. That's, according to my Mumsy, my blood. So if you are already feeling faint (I don't think doggies would feel faint, only hoomans), don't read this!
Last Sunday I didn't go to school. Not that I played truant but becos there was a doggie competition going on and Lucas had to be there with his students that were taking part. One of them did him proud by clinching
a REAL trophy! And that is Big Chester, but I am sure he would have preferred food? Anyway, congratulations to my hero!
Ok, back to my story. My hoomans brought me out to run in the field and brought along my squeaky ball and my frisbee. According to my hoomans, I am still not playing frisbee correctly. I was supposed to catch it and bring it back, not catch it and shake it all around like I was trying to break it into pieces. So my hoomans took it away and threw my ball around instead. Like always, I tire out after 15 mins of hard running and to end the whole thing, Mum took out the frisbee and gave me one last run. I caught it and proceed to mangle it. Mumsy ran up to me and gave a gasp before ordering me to drop it. Something in her voice made me plause instead of running off, and I dropped it immediately. That's when I tasted something salty and warm in my mouth.
By this time Dad ran up and both my hoomans immediately hustled me off the field. Dad even carried me in his arms for a bit. All this while that warm salty liquid was coursing now my throat and dripping everywhere. I was a bit puzzled at my hoomans' reaction cos I felt physically fine. I did notice red splotches of stuff were coming out of my mouth. When did my saliva turn red?
Once home, my hoomans proceeded to check my mouth. Like I said before, I don't like hoomans touching my mouth but this time I sensed that Mumsy was a lil' panicky (and I was rather tired) so I didn't put up a fight. Mum looked at me for a bit and said something about me bleeding non stop and that I should be brought to the vet. In the meantime, Dad gave me a piece of ice to suck on while they got ready. When they came back to get me, I stopped bleeding, just like that! Mind you, by this time my blood was all over the kitchen but it stopped just like that. Mumsy sat beside me to monitor me and I decided since she wasn't gonna play with me, I would just lick off all the blood on my paws. But it seemed like a neverending chore and all of a sudden Mumsy pushed my head away. I looked at her indignantly but she told Dad that I was bleeding again! They gave me more ice and it stopped. My hoomans soon realised that it was my incessantly licking that was keeping the wound open.
Daddy supposedly watching me
Guess what they did next? They sat with me for an hour, keeping me distracted with my duck so that I wouldn't lick! It worked and the bleeding stopped for good. Can u see the small wound on my tongue?