Sunday, January 27, 2008

Belle is home!

Mumsy just heard the good news! Uncle Eric has been reunited with Belle! Apparently a nice lady picked Belle up and waited close to an hour at the bus stop, hoping that Belle's owner will turn up.

As Belle's nails were bleeding, the nice lady even brought her to the vet and paid for a check up too. Since the lady takes the bus from the same bus stop everyday, she noticed the poster Uncle Eric put up and contacted him. Belle was returned back to Uncle Eric last night!

That shows that there are still some kind hoomans out there. My Mumsy is a cynical soul and for once I am glad that she is proven wrong.

Thanks to the big GOD who listened to all the hoomans' prayers and delivered Belle back safely!

Now if only big GOD would listen to my prayers for more chicken jerky... HE can be rather selective...


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are so happy that Belle is home. I know if we were missing mom would hope that there was a kind soul in this world that would return us...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

You want a jerky chicken, Cody?


Kathryn and Ari said...

Hooray for Belle! Her human friends must be so relieved to have her back. We love happy endings.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Cody!
Thanks for the good news! Glad everyone is happy now!
Sure that is a nice lady!
Paws crossed for more chicken treats for you.
Take care

Ume said...

yea! hurray for Belle!
thank doG for the kind lady!

i hope your prayers will be answered veri soon, Cody... n HAPPE BELATED 1ST BARKDAY!!!

Ashley said...

Great news! So glad she is back home!

Max's calendars have just arrived... so come check out the pictures and see who won the raffle!!!

Ben & Darling said...

Thats a great news, how I wish all the hooman being out there are nice nice like that lady.

Sophie Brador said...

I'm so happy to hear stories like this.
