Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The toilet plunger
Mumsy was very amused but explained to me that it is a toilet plunger. Now, because I shed so much, the pipe in my hidey-hole is clogged up. This isn't good as whenever I take a much hated shower, the water level just goes up and not down. With Mumsy's fren coming to stay, having a flooded toilet ain't good! Of cos if I had my way, I would have a flooded loo any day! That means I don't have to bathe! Sad to say my Dad managed to declog the pipes so it is shower as usual for me. ARRGHH! I am gonna shed more and stuff my fur down the pipes!
Here's a veedeo of me going crazy with the toilet plunger. I really like playing with it!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Nice & sunny!

All ready to go! Here's me in my hoomans' new veehicle!

Lotsa hoomans at the beach!
It was very warm though, and we corgis aren't really built for such hot weather! I was panting within 5 mins but was definitely game to take a long walk!Here's me on the beach! It smelled funky... I can't really decided if I like the smell of the beach. Dad saw a pile of weirdly shaped sand and wanted to trample on it but Mumsy stopped him! Apparently, my fellow doggie frens, these are NOT the works of aliens (whatever they are) but of tiny hoomans! Somebody should teach them to do better things than that!
Me at the strand line, sniffing the smell of fresh air!
See the weird pile of sand on the right? Also notice that I have been doing some serious sniffing around!
I am still petrified of the sea though. Mumsy managed to capture a short bit on veedeo showing me running away from the incoming waves. Sigh.. Sometimes I think parents are out to embarrass their kids, hoomans or otherwise.
We next came to a new area of the park, a place where hoomans zipped around this body of water, ON TOP of it! I was rather amused by them flying here and there! May be they are a new type of hoomans that can fly!

New species discover by me: hoomanus volans!
I was quite a celebrity today too! A lot of the hoomans were pointing at me. Sometimes I hear good stuff like, "So cuuuuute!" or "That's a cute corgi!". But there are some really annoying hoomans that said "Sausage dog!". I am not a dachshund! The two breeds only have one thing in common, short legs. I have more similarities to a husky (tail, shaggy mane and pointy ears) than a dachshund! Well, I can tolerate these people as sometimes, my hoomans would correct them and tell them that I am the Queen's dog! The people I can't tolerate are those that view me like I am a monster! A couple of gals actually stood frozen in place squealing at me when they saw me! I could smell their fear and was tempted to pee at their legs, if it wasn't my hoomans stopping me! Hmmppff!

Contemplating on why some hoomans think I am a monster

Me, stretched out on the floor of the lift in my apartment building!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
It is finally sunny!

After a whole week of walking up and down the void deck, I woke up to a bright and sunny day! Finally! I hope the weather last, athough some dark clouds are already creeping across the sky. Why can't my hoomans bring me out now instead of going to work?! I can't wait to stretch my legs and have a good run!

Can you see the ships on the top right hand corner? That's how near my home is to the beach!
Please please please stay up there in the sky Mr Sun!
Psssst: the peektures are up in my previous post!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Anyway, in preparations of the arrival of a house guest at the end of the month, my hoomans have been training me to stay in the kitchen during the day. In the past, I was banished to my hidey-hole once they leave for work. I was a puppy then and I couldn't really control my pee and poo. But now, since I am a big boy now, I can usually wait for them to come home and bring me for a walk before I do my business! So now I have a much bigger room to roam about! I have company too! My two housemates live in the kitchen but they are usually too busy eating grass to hold a proper conversation. They can't speak Doglish and I can't speak Piglish either. At least I know I am not all alone at home.

I did have an accident or two while in the kitchen. On both times, my hoomans forgot to leave some newspapers for me to pee on. My hoomans didn't blame me though. If they did, I would have bite them! GRRR!
Mumsy forgot to upload the peektures of my new play area into her metal piece, despite me nagging her to do so! Urgh! That means I can't show u how happy I am in my new space! Have to remind her to do so AGAIN!
Blame the hoomans!